Saturday, March 29, 2025 5:04:42 AM



Plat & UCC

All plats must be filed electronically at Register at to begin the e-Filing process. For more information regarding e-Filing requirements, see


Troup County Superior and State Courts are now accepting electronically filed documents in general civil and domestic relations cases.

To get started, visit and register for your FREE PeachCourt account. Please keep the following in mind:

  • For cases initiated on and after January 1, 2019 (or the court’s early adoption date), attorneys are required to eFile new cases in Superior and State Courts in Georgia. This means no paper filings.

    Attorneys are not required to eFile in cases that were initiated before January 1, 2019 (or the court’s early adoption date), although eFiling will be available for most of these cases.

    (Self-represented litigants are encouraged, but not required, to file electronically in any cases.) A personal access terminal is located in the lobby of our Jury Assembly Room on the 1st floor of the Troup County Government Center for your convenience.

  • Filing fees and costs are processed electronically through PeachCourt at the time of filing.
  • PeachCourt uses email to provide you with alerts related to your filings.

For answers to all your eFiling questions, contact PeachCourt: